Jack Hadley + Meg Porteous
Julian Hooper
Selina Ershadi + Frances Libeau
In 2017 the Eden Arts Trust rounded off its 30th anniversary year with the announcement of a new artist residency at Karekare Beach commencing in 2018. In partnership with the Karekare House Trust, Eden Arts offers residencies of up to three months to artists of all disciplines, during which time the artist produces a body of work culminating in an exhibition or performance.
Karekare House is a historic homestead which was the much loved family home of highly regarded children’s author Dorothy Butler and her eight children. The West Coast has long been an inspiration to artists and the intention of this residency is to provide a space for an extended and dedicated period of creativity. Karekare beach itself provided the atmospheric setting for scenes from Jane Campion’s 1993 film The Piano.
The devastating effects of Cyclone Gabrielle at the start of 2023 put a hold on the residency programme for the whole of 2023. We were pleased to be able to offer residencies in 2024 to the artists selected for 2023 and we thank them for their patience and understanding.
Our call for submissions for future residencies usually takes place towards the end of the year. There is currently no call for submissions as we are awaiting some remedial work on the property. You can join our mailing list for notifications by emailing us at info@edenarts.art or visit www.karekarehouse.co.nz
Alexis Neal
Brendon Leung
Claudia Kogachi
Josephine Jelicich
Kalisolaite 'Uhila
Tira Walsh
Wanda Gillespie
Peata Larkin
Richard Adams
Nairobi Trio
Heidi Brickell
Tira Walsh
Louise Menzies
Reece King
Sean McCarthy
Sena Park
Adrian Jackman
Paul Johnston
Belinda Griffiths
Judy Darragh
Alan Ibell
Lyn Bergquist
Krystie Wade
Neal Palmer
John Horner
Nicholas Pound